export PS1="e[0;31mue[0;37m@e[0;36mhe[0;37m:e[0;33mwe[0;37m:e[0;33m e0m > "
Take this apart:
- export PS1=" - is the command, it exports the command line PS1
- e[0;31m - changes the color to red
- u - this adds the user to the prompt (kennyl)
- e[0;37m - changes the color back to white
- @ - adds the @ symbol to the prompt (@)
- e[0;36m = changes the color to cyan
- h - adds the hostname to the prompt (magnum)
- e[0;37m - changes the color back to white
- : - adds a colon to the prompt (:)
- e[0;33m - changes the color to yellow
- w - displays the current working directory (~/Downloads)
- [0;37m - turns the color back to white again
- : - adds a colon to the prompt after the current directory (:)
- e[0m - turns the color back to the default
- > - adds a
to the end of the prompt (>)
The resulting prompt looks like this:
kennyl @ magnum : ~/Downloads : 17:01:00