Android Activities

The Activity is the big kahuna of the Android application. It serves as an entry point kinda like the Java main method. It is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Android system.

An Activity is basically a screen (UI) in an Android app. There are one or more Activities in an application. One Activity is designated the main Activity and therefore calls other components.

An Activity is implemented as a subclass of the Activity class.

Activities in an app are only loosely bound. There should be a minimal amount of dependancies between Activities. This is because an Activity may start an Activity from another app.

Activities must be defined in the apps Mainifest.xml file.

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The Manifest File...


Each Activity of an application must be defined in the manifest file. Activity is a child of Application.

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List of attributes to accompany the Activity tag. All attributes are prefixed with android:. Example - allowEmbedded would actually be android:allowEmbedded="true".

allowEmbedded boolean
allowTaskReparenting boolean
alwaysRetainTaskState boolean
autoRemoveFromRecents boolean
banner drawable resource
clearTaskOnLaunch boolean
configChanges mcc, mnc, locale, touchscreen, keyboard, keyboardHidden, navigation, screenLayout, fontScale, uiMode, orientation, screenSize, smallestScreenSize
directBootAware boolean
documentLaunchMode intoExisting, always, none, never
enabled boolean
excludeFromRecents boolean
exported boolean
finishOnTaskLaunch boolean
hardwareAccelerated boolean
icon drawable resource
label string resource
launchMode standard, singleTop, singleTask, singleInstance
maxRecents integer
multiprocess boolean
name string
noHistory boolean
parentActivityName string
persistableMode persistRootOnly, persistAcrossReboots, persistNever
permission string
process string
relinquishTaskIdentity boolean
resizeableActivity boolean
screenOrientation unspecified, behind, landscape, portrait, reverseLandscape, reversePortrait, sensorLandscape, sensorPortrait, userLandscape, userPortrait, sensor, fullSensor, nosensor, user, fullUser, locked
showForAllUsers true, false
stateNotNeeded true, false
supportsPictureInPicture true, false
taskAffinity string
theme resource or theme
uiOptions none, splitActionBarWhenNarrow
windowSoftInputMode stateUnspecified, stateUnchanged, stateHidden, stateAlwaysHidden, stateVisible, stateAlwaysVisible, adjustUnspecified, adjustResize, adjustPan

CREATED 2017-07-30 23:51:08.0


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