Asynchronus Java and XML


First... AJAX is a methodology, not a language. The language is JavaScript. The whole process looks like this.

XMLHttpRequest Diagram

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UPDATED 2012-09-04 19:12:36.0

The States...

Request States

As the request is processed the ready states change. The current state can be found in the readyState property...

  • 1 - is when the request object is created.
  • 2 - means the request object has been sent
  • 3 - the request object is comming back but not all back
  • 4 - the response is received.

The response property is null until the ready state is set to 4. You will get a null object and a statusCode of undefined.

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  • OnReadyStateChange - Executes when the state changes (see states). This is usually a function.
  • readyState - the current state (see states)
  • response - what the server said.
  • responseText - the response in text form (null until readyState is 4)
  • responseType - the type of response (null until readyState is 4)
  • responseURL - the url the response came from
  • responseXML - the response as an XML document (null until readyState is 4)
  • status - HTTP status code received from the server e.g. 200 or 404
  • statusText - HTTP status code description from the server e.g. OK or NOT FOUND
  • timeout - how long to wait for the response before giving up
  • upload - an upload object (XMLHttpRequestUpload)
  • withCredentials - a boolean that indicates if cross site access control request should be made with cred

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Request Methods

These are the methods of the request.

  • abort()
  • getAllResponseHeaders()
  • getResponseHeader(String name)
  • open(String [method], String [url[, async[, username[, password]]]])
  • overrideMimeType(String mimeType)
  • send(String body)
  • setRequestHeader(String name, String value)

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req.onError = function(){    alert(An error just happend) } Request Events

These are the Events of the request.

  • abort - abort method was called
  • error - an error occurs
  • load - request completes successfully
  • loadEnd - request completes regardless of status
  • loadStart - request starts to load data
  • progress - request recieves more data
  • timeout - the timeout property has been exceeded

Events can be loaded by using the addEventListener(eventName) method OR by loading a call back in the on[eventName] property.

CREATED 2020-08-18 09:00:13.0


UPDATED 2020-08-18 09:04:24.0



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