adduser is a Debian specific tool to add users to the system. adduser runs the standard linux useradd, groupadd, etc... just makes it convenient.
CREATED2016-11-25 19:35:56.0
UPDATED2016-11-25 19:36:00.0
Adding a new User
adduser [options] username auser@aserver:~# adduser jerimia Adding user `jerimia' ...
Login as Root or use su...
Create the login with the adduser command...
adduser creates the account, group and home directories by default. You supply some additional information like full name, room number (or department), phone numbers, etc... it helps to be root or use sudo.
CREATED2013-02-16 22:29:40.0
UPDATED2016-11-25 19:36:00.0
Options for adduser...
adduser has options... these are some handy ones.
--disable-login - doesn't ask for a password. Disables the account until the password is set.
--gid <ID> - forces a specific user id.
--home <DIR> - sets the home directory as DIR
--uid <UID> - sets the user id to UID. Bombs if UID is already in use.
See the man page for more options.
CREATED2016-11-25 19:20:47.0
UPDATED2016-11-25 19:21:05.0
Add a New Group...
addgroup [options] group
addgroup adds a new group to the system. The syntax is: